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YCB Level- 1 Yoga Protocol Instructor (Beginner Yoga Teachers Training Course)

"Transform into a skilled yoga instructor with our YCB Level-1 Yoga Protocol course! Unlock the secrets of beginner yoga teaching, gain confidence, and guide others on their holistic journey to strength, balance, and mindfulness. Join us today and step into the world of yoga leadership!"

Instructor: Yoga & HappinessLanguage: English and Hindi

About the course

Beginner Yoga Certification Course contains bellow details-

1. Name of the certification: Level-1 Yoga Protocol Instructor (YCB) + Foundation Course in Yoga (IYA)
2. Requirement/ Eligibility:
a. For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
b. For admission in the course it is suggested/ desired that the candidate should have passed the 10th standard / secondary school certificate from a recognized board or equivalent. However, Yoga Institutions can define their own eligibility
3. Brief Role Description: Certified Yoga Professionals (Yoga Protocol Instructor) can teach the basics of Yoga / common Yoga protocol developed by the Ministry of AYUSH for the International Day of Yoga for the prevention of diseases and promotion of health. They can conduct Yoga practice /classes in parks, societies, RWA, etc.
4. Minimum age: No age limit
5. Personal Attributes: The job requires an individual to have good communication skills, time management skills, and the ability to understand the body language of the trainees. The job requires an individual to possess key qualities such as self-discipline, confidence, maturity, patience, compassion, active listening, time management, empathy, and language proficiency.
6. Credit points for certificate: 12 credits (1 credit is equivalent to 30 hours of total study )
7. Duration of course: Not less than 200 hours or not less than 3 months as part-time or not less than 1 month as a full-time course.
8. Mark Distribution:
Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 60 + Practical: 140)

Level 1 Yoga Protocol Instructor (YCB) + Foundation Course in Yoga (IYA) + Volunteer ID Card by IYA

The duration of the course is One Month

The theory Session will be 9 PM to 10 PM  (Monday to Friday)

Practical Sessions will be 7 AM to 8 AM & 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Monday to Friday)

Start Date: 24-05-2024


Details Syllabus

Name of the Unit
1. Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices
1.1 Yoga : Etymology, definitions, aim, objectives and misconceptions.
1.2 Yoga : Its origin, history and development.
1.3 Guiding principles to be followed by Yoga practitioners.
1.4 Principles of Yoga (Triguna, Antahkarana-chatustaya, Tri-Sharira/Panchakosha).
1.5 Introduction to major schools of Yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Patanjali, Hatha).
1.6 Introduction to Yoga practices for health and well being.
1.7 Introduction to Shatkarma: meaning, purpose and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.8 Introduction to Yogic Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama and Surya Namaskara.
1.9 Introduction to Yogasana: meaning, principles, and their health benefits.
1.10 Introduction to Pranayama and Dhyana and their health benefits.
2. Introduction to Yoga Texts
2.1 Introduction and study of Patanjala Yoga Sutra including memorization of selected Sutras (Chapter I- 1-12).
2.2 Introduction and study of Bhagavad Gita including memorization of selected Slokas (Chapter II -47, 48, 49, 50 and 70).
2.3 Introduction and study of Hathpradipika.
2.4 General Introduction to Prasthanatrayee.
2.5 Concepts and principles of Aahara (Diet) in Hathapradipika and Bhagawadgita (Mitahara and Yuktahara).
2.6 Significance of Hatha Yoga practices in health and well being.
2.7 Concept of mental wellbeing according to Patanjala Yoga.
2.8 Yogic practices of Patanjala Yoga: Bahiranga and Antaranga Yoga.
2.9 Concepts of healthy living in Bhagwad Gita.
2.10 Importance of subjective experience in daily Yoga practice.
3. Yoga for Health Promotion
3.1 Brief introduction to human body.
3.2 Meaning and Means of health promotion and role of Yoga in health promotion.
3.3 Yogic positive attitudes ( Maîtri, Karuna, Mudita, Upeksha).
3.4 Concept of bhavas (Dharma, Jnana, Vairagya, Aishvarya) and their relevance in well being.
3.5 Dincharya and Ritucharya with respect to Yogic life style.
3.6 Holistic approach of Yoga towards health and diseases.
3.7 Introduction to First aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
3.8 Yogic management of stress and its consequences.
3.9 Yoga in prevention of metabolic and respiratory disorders.
3.10 Yoga for personality development.
4. Practical
A. Demonstration Skills
4.1 Prayer: Concept and recitation of Pranava and hymns.
4.2 Yoga Cleansing Techniques
Knowledge of Dhauti, Neti and practice of Kapalabhati.
4.3 Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and Sthula Vyayama
a. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama (Micro Circulation Practices)
 Neck Movement
Griva Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV)
 Shoulder Movement
Bhuja Valli Shakti Vikasaka
Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka
 Trunk Movement
Kati Shakti Vikasaka (I, II, III, IV, V )
 Knee Movement
Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B )
Janu Shakti Vikasaka
 Ankle movement
Pada-mula shakti Vikasaka – A&B
Gulpha-pada-pristha-pada-tala shakti Vikasaka
b. Yogic Sthula Vyayama (Macro Circulation Practices)
 Sarvanga Pushti
 Hrid Gati (Engine Daud)
4.4 Yogic Surya Namaskara
4.5 Yogasana
 Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Padahastasana, Kati Chakrasana,Trikonasana
 Dandasana, Sukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana,
 Bhadrasana, Mandukasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Uttana Mandukasana
 Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana
 Vakrasana, Gomukhasana
 Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Makarasana
 Pavanamuktasana, Uttanapadasana, Ardha Halasana, Setubandhasana
 Vipareetakarani, Saral Matsyasana, Shavasana,
4.6 Preparatory Breathing Practices
 Sectional breathing (abdominal, thoracic and clavicular)
 Yogic deep breathing
4.7 Pranayama
 Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka
 Anulmoa Viloma/Nadi Shodhana
 Sheetalee (without Kumbhaka)
 Bhramari (without Kumbhaka)
4.8 Understanding of Bandha
 Jalandhara Bandha
 Uddiyana Bandha
 Mula Bandha
4.9 Understanding of Mudra
 Hasta Mudras (chin, Chinmaya, Brahma, adi, jnana, Dhyana and Nasika)
4.10 Practices leading to Meditation and Dhyana Sadhana
 Recitation of Pranava & Soham
 Recitation of selected hymns, invocations and prayers from Vedas & Upanishadas
 Body and breath awareness
 Yoga Nidra
B. Teaching Skills (Methods of Teaching Yoga)
 Essentials of good lesson plan: concepts, needs, planning of teaching Yoga (Shatkriya, Asana, Pranayama & practices leading to Dhyana)
 Principles of teaching Yoga protocol to different groups (beginners, children, youth, women, Geriatric population, and special attention group).
 Preparation for a Yoga class (before and during the class)
 Factors influencing yoga teaching.
 Class management in Yoga: its meaning and needs.
 Conducting yoga practical lessons: Precautions & Contraindications of practices)
 Salient features of Ideal Yoga Instructor.
 Models of ideal Yoga lesson plans


What do we offer

Live learning & Recorded Session

Learn live with top educators, chat with teachers and other attendees, and get your doubts cleared. All Sessions will be LIVE on ZOOM Platform and latter you can see the recording also.

Structured learning

Our curriculum is designed by Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India and Indian Yoga Association levels syllabus to make sure you get the best learning experience.

Community & Networking

Interact and network with like-minded folks from various backgrounds in exclusive chat groups. We provide 100% Job Assistance.

Learn with the best

Stuck on something? Discuss it with your peers and the instructors in the inbuilt chat groups.

Practice tests

With the quizzes and live tests practice what you learned, and track your class performance. Before final exam we will take your Demo Exam also.

Get certified

Flaunt your skills with course certificates. You can showcase the certificates on LinkedIn with a click. Also you will Get 2 Certificates and 1 ID Card.

Beginner Yoga Certification Course

Level 1 Yoga Protocol Instructor (YCB) 


 Foundation Course in Yoga (IYA) 

Volunteer ID Card by IYA



Yoga Certification Board Certificate


Indian Yoga Association Certificate


Indian Yoga Association        ID Card

Students REVIEWS

I proudly completed my 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course with YOGA & HAPPINESS. It has been an incredible experience, very useful and systematic approach was adopted during the whole course. I have never been learned yoga with so much in depth approach and pure form, this course made my all doubts clear and most important all the myths about yoga has been burst. Yoga teacher Sisir sir is very supportive and understanding , they have a wonderful team of trainers who are patient enough to clarify your queries. I am very thankful to Yoga & Happiness , "One of the best places in Kolkata to pursue Yoga Professional courses " It's a 10/10 Yoga School.— Trisha Sadhak

আমার নাম মিতালী দেব। আমি আসামে বসবাস করি। আমি yoga & Happiness থেকে Ministry
Of Ayusher কোর্স করেছি শিশির বিশ্বাস স্যারের
তত্ত্বাবধানে এবং এই কোর্স করার পর আমি এখান থেকে যা পেয়েছি সেটা কাউকে বুঝানোর মতো আমার ক্ষমতা নেই। 🔺🔺🔺🔺
আমি প্রথমেই বলব শিশির বিশ্বাস স্যার একজন প্রকৃত যোগব্যায়াম শিক্ষা গুরু এবং একজন দক্ষ শিক্ষক কারণ একজন আদর্শ শিক্ষকের যা যা গুণাবলী থাকা দরকার সবকিছুই শিশির স্যারের কাছে পেয়েছি। নিয়মানুবর্তিতা, দায়িত্বশীলতা, জ্ঞান, ধৈর্য্য, শিক্ষার্থীদের প্রতি যথেষ্ট সচেতনতা এবং যথেষ্ট প্রীতি এবং সৌহার্দ্যপূর্ণ আচরন তাছাড়া আরো ও অন্যান্য ম্যাডাম, স্যার যারা session করিয়েছেন তারা সবাই খুবই মন দিয়ে অত্যন্ত নিষ্ঠার সাথে আমাদেরকে সবকিছু শিখিয়েছেন। আপনাদের সবাইকে আমার শ্রদ্ধা এবং আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ জ্ঞাপন করছি 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
শিশির বিশ্বাস স্যারের নিকটে আমি yoga & Happiness কোর্স করে অনেক জেনেছি, শিখেছি,এবং অনেক উপকৃত হয়েছি। স্যারের নিকট থেকে আমরা যারা এই কোর্স করেছি , আমরা পেয়েছি অনেক কিন্তু স্যার আপনাকে তার বিনিময়ে কিছুই দেওয়ার মতো নেই। 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺
তাই অন্তর থেকে ভক্তি, শ্রদ্ধা, এবং অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে জ্ঞাপন করছি এটাই আমার তরফ থেকে আপনাকে গুরুদক্ষিণা 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
যে যোগব্যায়াম শিক্ষাগুরুর মাঝে একবিন্দু বিরক্তির ভাব নেই, সব প্রশ্নের উত্তর যিনি হাসিমুখে শিক্ষার্থীদের দিতে জানেন, যার মাঝে কোন ক্লান্তিবোধ নেই আমার অগাধ বিশ্বাস এবং আমি আশা করি শিশির স্যারের কাছে যারা যোগব্যায়াম শিক্ষা নিচ্ছেন এবং স্যারের তত্বাবধানে যদি কেউ yoga & Happiness কোর্স করেন তারা অবশ্যই জীবনের মূল্যবোধটুকো বুঝতে পারবেন। 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 কারণ আমি আমার জীবনের বাস্তব অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে বলছি যত বেশি ব্যায়ামের গভীরে ডোব দেওয়া যাবে ততই উপকৃত হবো কারণ জীবনে এই একটাই পথ খোলা আছে যেখানে কিছু দিতে হয়না বরং প্রাপ্তি হয় অনেক বেশি তবে তার জন্য দরকার প্রকৃত শিক্ষক,গুরু, আর কঠোর সাধনা 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺
কারণ ব্যায়াম জানলেই আর ব্যায়ামের সাথে যুক্ত থাকলেই যে সবকিছু শেখা যায় আর জানা যায় সেটা অত্যন্ত ভুল ধারণা। প্রকৃত গুরু, প্রকৃত শিক্ষকের কাছ থেকেই জীবনে যে কোন শিক্ষাটাই অর্জন করাটা উচিৎ।
আমি আমার পরিচিত অপরিচিত মহলে যারা আছেন আমি আপনাদের সবাইকে একটা কথাই বলছি আপনাদের পরিবারের ছেলে মেয়েদেরকে যোগব্যায়াম শিক্ষা দেন। 🙏🙏🙏🙏
সবশেষে বলছি যাদের প্রেরণায় শিশির স্যারের মতো একজন আদর্শ যোগব্যায়াম শিক্ষাগুরুর সংস্পর্শ পেয়েছি (সুমনা এবং রুকাইয়া ম্যাডাম) আপনাদেরকে ও অশেষ ধন্যবাদ জানাচ্ছি।
সুমনা ম্যাডাম আপনার প্রচেষ্টায় এবং আপনার প্রেরণাতেই আজ আমি অনেক অনেক উপকৃত হয়েছি এই yoga & Happiness কোর্স করে নয়তো জীবন থেকে অনেক কিছুই বাদ পড়ে যেত।
অশেষ ধন্যবাদ ম্যাডাম আপনাকে.......

I am Debamita Bhatta,Yoga Wellness Instructor by profession.I did my professional yoga courses of level 1,2,3 from Yoga and Happiness.It is the best online professional yoga teachers training centre.Sir gives us excellent study materials.I learnt lot of new things and new techniques of yoga here.Sisir Sir is the best teacher I have ever had.I recommend everyone to choose Yoga and Happiness for professional yoga courses.It is best .It can provide courses online and offline both.Thank you Sir once again for your excellent guidance and thanks Yoga and Happiness.. — Debamita Bhatta

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is eligible to enroll in the Beginner Yoga Teachers Training Course?

The course is open to anyone interested in becoming a certified Level-1 Yoga Protocol Instructor by Yoga Certification Board (YCB), Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India and Foundation Course in Yoga by the Indian Yoga Association (IYA). There are no specific eligibility criteria for open candidates.

2. What are the key highlights of this course?

The course provides comprehensive training in yoga principles, techniques, teaching methodologies, and practical sessions. It includes certification as a Level-1 Yoga Protocol Instructor and Foundation Course in Yoga by IYA, ensuring a solid foundation in yoga instruction.

3. What is the duration of the course?

The course duration is not less than 200 hours, which can be completed over a period of 3 months part-time or 1 month full-time.

4. Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the course?

While there are no specific prerequisites, having good communication skills, time management abilities, and an understanding of body language can be beneficial for aspiring yoga teachers.

5. Is the course conducted online or in-person?

The course is conducted online, allowing participants to access live sessions and recorded materials according to their convenience.

In-person we are available in Tollygunge, Kolkata.

6. Can international students enroll in the course?

Yes, the course is open to international students who meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in pursuing a career in yoga instruction.

7. What topics are covered in the course curriculum?

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including yoga philosophy, asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, teaching methodologies, anatomy, and ethics for yoga teachers.

8. Will I receive certification upon completion of the course?

Yes, upon successful completion of the course and assessment, you will receive certification as a Level-1 Yoga Protocol Instructor and Foundation Course in Yoga by IYA.
Both Certificates are internationally recognized certificates equivalent to 200 Hours Yoga TTC.

9. Is there any Exam to get certificate?

Yes, to receive the certificate, you are required to pass both the YCB Exam Theory and Practical Exam. The final theory exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and the passing percentage is 70, which means you need to score at least 42 to pass. The practical exam is worth a total of 140 marks, and the passing score is 98. The exams are conducted by YCB-approved PrCB (Professional Certification Body). If you do not succeed in your first attempt, there is no reappear fee. Additionally, if you require re-training, it will be provided free of cost.

10. Does the course offer any job assistance or career guidance?

Yes, the course provides job assistance and career guidance to help you transition into a rewarding career as a certified yoga instructor. They apply for Online Yoga Training, Yoga at Home, Yoga in Studios, Yoga Instructor in Yoga Institutes, Schools and workplaces, Corporate Yoga and in Govt. sector also.

11. How can I enroll in the Beginner Yoga Teachers Training Course?

- To enroll the course, you can Click bellow button Buy Course or contact us at +91 9883061986.

YCB Level- 1 Yoga Protocol Instructor (Beginner Yoga Teachers Training Course)

"Transform into a skilled yoga instructor with our YCB Level-1 Yoga Protocol course! Unlock the secrets of beginner yoga teaching, gain confidence, and guide others on their holistic journey to strength, balance, and mindfulness. Join us today and step into the world of yoga leadership!"

Instructor: Yoga & HappinessLanguage: English and Hindi

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